- Won Runner-Up position in “JEROME PEARSON and YURI ARTSUTANOV AWARD 2010” BY “INTERNATIONAL SPACE ELEVATOR CONSORTIUM .USA”:- ISEC called for papers on Space Debris Mitigation. So we submitted our research paper titled “Space Debris and its Mitigation” in which we proposed a method to mitigate space debris with the help of tether.
- PRESENTED RESEARCH PAPER IN “INTERNATIONAL SPACE ELEVATOR CONFERENCE 2010,REDMOND,WASHINGTON,USA”:- We presented a paper titled “Space Elevator: Dilemma and Remedies” in which we proposed the use of grapheme in the building of space elevator ribbon.
- PRESENTED RESEARCH PAPER IN “EUROSPACE WARD CONFERENCE 2010,LUXEMBOURG,EUROPE”:- We presented a paper titled “Space Elevator: Its Building Challenges” in which we highlighted the challenges faced in building of space elevator and proposed some remedies to them.
- RESEARCH PAPER GOT SELECTED IN “28th ISTS,OKINAWA,JAPAN”:- Our research paper titled “Space Debris: A Growing Issue“was selected in “International Symposium on Space and Technology (ISTS)”, Japan. In this paper we proposed two new methods to mitigate space debris using nanotechnology and laser technology.
- PRESENTED PAPER IN “LITERATI NATIONAL LEVEL SYMPOSIUM” AT NIT, KURUKSHETRA:- It was general presentation about space debris giving students the knowledge about space debris and its hazards and remedies.
- RESEARCH PAPER GOT SELECTED IN “5th IAASS CONFERENCE” PARIS, FRANCE:- Here we submitted a paper on space debris in which we proposed the use of space debris for useful purposes.
- Received "KALPANA CHAWLA YOUNG SCIENTISTS AWARD" from Late Dr. Kalpana Chawla's father Shri Banarasi Das Chawla and Group Captain L.N. Sharma.
- Research paper titled "SPACE DEBRIS and its MITIGATION" got published in "MOON MINERS' MANIFESTO, JANUARY 2012 EDITION": http://www.moonsociety.org/
india/mmm-india/m3india13_ Jan2012.pdf - Research Paper titled Space Debris Mitigation selected for COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Mysore,India
- Research Paper titled Space Debris Mitigation selected for IEEE-ESTEL Conference at Rome,Italy, October 2-5,2012.
- Invited as a Guest Speaker at European Space Elevator Challenge at Munich Germany.
- Research paper selected for'ICESSE 2012 : International Conference on Earth and Space Sciences and Engineering'.
- Research Paper got selected for International Space Conference 2012,Gujrat India organised by ASO & DRDO.
- Reserach paper got selected for Canadian Space Summit 2012 at Canada.